Jiri App is a platform powered by machine learning and AI to process and analayze images of:
Jiri App
provides a quick facial search for
(facial seach means using image/photo/picture to search)
Jiri App provides users with notifications of activites in their community/area of interest which have rewards/bounties offered by other who need help
Jiri App works by analyazing images with AI and machine learning ,the images are provided by it's member users in different categories to match missing people with found people ,to idenitify well know fraudster by sharing fraudster information before they strike again. The platform is mainly depended on imaginery not names or id's because these can easily be forged to mislead unsuspecting victims
We have several categories where you can post
A bounty (from Latin bonitās, goodness) is a payment or reward often offered by a group as an incentive for the accomplishment of a task by someone usually not associated with the group. Bounties are most commonly issued for the capture or retrieval of a person or object. They are typically in the form of money. By definition, they can be retracted at any time by whoever issued them.
We allow multiple document/files on our platform
It's free to use our platform but we do accept donations just to keep the guys and machines making it happened warm
Yes you can post/comment anonymously but you must have an account first
If you're post wrongful ,please get in touch with us so that we help you to clear your name
All our content is provided by our member users
We are based in Cape town ,south Africa ,unfortnately we don't have offices but we are available online via our social networks